The official kotobuki-anime website has shared additional cast members for the upcoming original anime series Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai. The five actors joining the show are: Misaki Yoshioka, Miho Okasaki, Miyuri Shimabukuro, Aoi Koga, and Natsumi Kawaida. Here are the official character designs:
Misaki Yoshioka as Anna
Miho Okasaki as Maria
Miyuri Shimabukuro, Aoi Koga and Natsumi Kawaida as Ady, Betty and Cindy respectively
Two planes appearing in the show were also revealed. The Ki-43-i Model 1 or "Hayabusa" plane which is used by the Kotobuki Squadron. The other plane is the A6M2b Model 21 "Zero" and serves as a Type 0 carrier fighter plane.
Tsutomu Mizushima is directing and acting as sound director for the series, Yuusaku Saotome is the episode director and Asami and ZAQ have theme song performances. The opening theme is Soranone by ZAQ and the ending theme is Tsubasa wo Motsumonotachi by the main voice cast.
The previously revealed voice cast consists of: Hibiku Yamamura as Zara, Miyu Tomita as Chika, Asami Seto as Reona, Sayaka Nakaya as Kate, Eri Yukimura as Emma and Sayumi Suzushiro as Kirie. Digital Frontier produces the series, WAO World and GEMBA animate it and has a release date of January 2019.
In a barren frontier where people trade goods with each other in order to help each other survive. The Kotobuki Squadron are bodyguards for hire, led by a strict but beautiful squadron leader, an unreliable commanding officer, and a true artisan of a crew chief. Alongside pilots who don't lack for personality, they take to the air in dogfights, letting the engine noise of their Hayabusa fighters ring out in the skies.
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai hits screens on January 2019