In 2015, manga creator Afro launched the series Laid-Back Camp in the pages of Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward magazine. The series was a hit following its release and has dropped ten compiled volumes, so far.
Following the success of the manga, the series spawned an anime that was released in 2018 and a live-action tv show that premiered this past January. Now, fans are getting cozy for the release of the shows second season!
While there is still some time before the new season hits the small screen, there has been no halting the marketing for the new show. Recently, The show's official website released the second promo video for the new season, and it features a ton of new footage of the main characters preparing for camp!
Given the nature of the show, the tone is consistently very relaxing and is a much-needed getaway from the craziness of the real world. We would love to hear your thoughts on the show, and don't forget to share your thoughts on the new trailer!
The "slow outdoor manga" follows two young women. Rin likes to go camping by herself along the lakes that provide a scenic view of Mt. Fuji. Nadeshiko loves to take cycling trips by herself to places where she can see Mt. Fuji. After they meet, Rin and Nadeshiko take camping trips, eat cup ramen together, and enjoy the scenery.
Laid-Back Camp season 2 will be releasing in Japan in January 2021!