Beginning as a manga in 2015 created by Afro, Laid-Back Camp, which tells the story of two friends who like to spend time outdoors and enjoy the scenery. The series published in Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Forward magazine and has recently released its 10th volume and began publishing in English, in 2018.
Following the success of the manga an anime series was released that was animated at C-Station and streamed its 12-episodes as it aired on Crunchyroll. After the completion of its first season, a second was greenlit that is set to come early next year, along with a live-action adaption of the manga coming around the same time.
A recent announcement was made which revealed that voice actress Tomoyo Kurosawa will be voiceing a new character named Ayano Toki. Ayana has been described as "living in Hamamatsu, and is Nadeshiko's childhood friend who knew her until middle school. Her notable trait is her relaxed way of talking."
While not much more has been revealed about her character, she will most likely fit in with the others as they travel and see the naturearound them. We would love to hear your thoughts on the new addition in the comments below!
The "slow outdoor manga" follows two young women. Rin likes to go camping by herself along the lakes that provide a scenic view of Mt. Fuji. Nadeshiko loves to take cycling trips by herself to places where she can see Mt. Fuji. After they meet, Rin and Nadeshiko take camping trips, eat cup ramen together, and enjoy the scenery.
Laid-Back Camp season 2 will release in January of next year!