Kagami Yoshimizu, of Lucky Star fame, has started work on a brand new anime series. The series, titled Maesetsu!, tells the story of college girls who hang out together as they make their way through life. The humor of the series is engrained in the fact that all of these girls have dreams to perform behind the mic as stand-up comedians, as the life of stand-up comedy can be hard, this series will pull no punches on that front.
The series itself has been created by Mugendai, in collaboration with Yoshimizu, who worked on the character designs. Yuu Nobuta (Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear) will be directing the series as well. Considering the series is heavily based in stand-up comedy, a lot of Japanese comedians will be making an appearance on the show as well!
Recently, a brand new trailer for the series was released. The teaser features the characters and how they interact in the world around them, with the back drop of some calm music. Make sure to check out the new footage below!
Excited for the new series? In the mood for fun, wholesome and light hearted comedy? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below! Maesetsu! is set to release in July of this year!