Based on the hit game series, the new film Monster Strike The MOVIE: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair, is the newest film coming to theaters in Japan. The film's story will follow the heroes of the series as they are forced to battle Lucifer after she turned on them.
Initially, the film was meant to release in the summertime, but after a delay due to COVID-19, there was never an official release date that was set again, after its delay. The film has been highly anticipated since its announcement, and the wait was not an easy pill to swallow.
However, as things start to return to a degree of normalcy, in a world living in the pandemic era, a new trailer for the film proves that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. In the trailer, the movie confirms its release in Japan for the beginning of November, which is a great relief to those looking forward to it!
While anything could still happen, the release window provided should give more than enough time to make sure that the release date will not move. Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below, and don't forget to check out the new trailer!
In Monster Strike THE MOVIE: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair, Strike World has been saved from disaster by the actions of Oragon and the 5 Heroes. But the world once again becomes a battlefield when Lucifer turns her blade on her former companions and plunges her fellow heroes into darkness and despair.
Monster Strike The MOVIE: Lucifer - Dawn of Despair hits theaters in Japan on November 6th!