In 2004, Yoshiyuki Nishi launched the manga series Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation. The manga was published in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump and told the story of two young men who run a business that involves protecting the people from various supernatural threats and grievances.
The mang ran for four years and even managed to get a short sequel series from 2018 to 2019. As the sequel series began to publish, a whole new anime series was also released through Studio Deen!
The series was developed with director Nobuhiro Kondo and written by Yasuyuki Suzuki. The first season of the series did a fantastic job of bringing all of the humor, danger, and energy of the manga to the anime.
After the first season ended, the question of if and when the second season would air, began to float around. Thankfully, those questions did not last long as the second season of the show is officially on its way, headed for a summer release.
For people who want to catch up on the first season, the anime is officially airing on the Crunchyroll streaming service! In recent news, the trailer for the anime's second season began streaming, while giving an official release date. Make sure to check out the trailer, and don't forget to share your thoughts on the new season!
Are you a victim of unwanted spirit possession? Is there a ghost you need sent up and away... or down to burn for all eternity? If the answer is "yes," then you need Muhyo and Roji, the experts in supernatural law. Serving justice to evil spirits is their specialty.
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation is set to release on July 7th!