Back in 1992, the live-action drama series Night Head was released in Japan. The series followed two psychic brothers as they live life on the run due to the powers they possess. From there, a 24 episode anime titled Night Head Genesis was released that later spawned a manga.
The series has always put their potential for greatness front, and center and each iteration has proven that by innovating and adapting to what works best on whatever medium it is on. Now, the franchise is looking to set their sights on the future with a brand new entry, Night Head 2041.
Following a new pair of brothers, the series is CG animated and is being written by the director of the live-action series George Iida. A teaser for the upcoming show has also been released that set the tone and atmosphere up perfectly, with its operatic score and industrialized futuristic cityscape.
Could this show be another success for the franchise? We would love to hear your opinions on it! Make sure to check out the trailer, and don't forget to let us know in the comments!
The original live-action series centers around two psychic brothers, Naoto and Naoya Kirihara, who are on the run because they are persecuted by the world. The new anime introduces a new pair of brothers, Takuya and Yūya Kuroki, who are part of the National Security Force and are tracking down the Kirihara brothers.
Night Head 2041 is releasing in Japan in July 2021!