The Rent-A-Girlfriend manga series was created by Reiji Miyajima and was published in the pages of Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine, in 2017. The series tells the story of a young man who after, not having the best luck with men, decides to try a new dating app. After meeting a great girl, he finds that things are about to get more complicated.
The manga was a hit in the romantic comedy genre, and after a short few years, has even had its anime greenlit! The series has announced to be released by TMS Entertainment and will be coming out this summer.
The anime will feature a highly talented cast and crew that includes director Kazuomi Koga (Rainy Cocoa). Mitsutaka Hirota (Nanbaka) will also be handling the series scripts. Other talents that will be working on the series include Fumiko Ishiguro, Minoru Akiba, Shintaro Sakai, and Yumiko Nakaba as the color key artist, art director, director of photography and editor, respectively.
As the new anime approaches its release date, some new promotional videos have surfaced. To give viewers an idea of what the Rent-A-Girlfriend app is like, three videos were streamed on Twitter that provides viewers with the opportunity to go on 3 VR dates.
With the promotional efforts this series is getting, there is no doubt Rent-A-Girlfriend will be a runaway hit. Make sure to check out the new promotional videos, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Kinoshita Kazuya is a 20-year-old failure of a college student. He managed to kiss his girlfriend once, but was dumped after a month. "Ugh... Damn it. I never want to go through that again." Completely spiteful, Kazuya uses a certain method to date a girl. He goes to their meeting place and suddenly hears,"You're Kazuya-kun, right?" A beautiful girl brushing her long, black hair behind her ear was there, smiling at him. Her name was Mizuhara Chizuru. Something real is born after just a single rental! A reckless rom-com filled with love and excitement is about to begin!
Rent-A-Girlfriend is set to premiere on July 10th!