Based on Shion Miura's Feel the Wind novel, Run With the Wind, tells the story of a former high school runner who hasn't had the best of luck, since he stopped runing. When he is rescued from being chased over food theft, a young man offers him the chance to dorm with eight other runners, in an effort to get them to compete in one of Japan's biggest races. The catch is that none of these runners have ever actually competed. Sentai Filmworks released the series back in 2018 and streamed the series on sites like HIDIVE and Crunchyroll.
Recently, the 23 episode series announced a new English cast, confirming that an English dub of the seires was on its way. Some of the cast members include Blake Jackson as Haiji, Gabriel Ragojo as Kakeru and Nathan Wilson as Joji. There was also an announcement that Shannon Reed would be directing the dub of the series.
A new English dubbed clip was shown, for the series ahead of its home video release, as well. The clip shows the group of boys finding out that they will be competing in the race. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new dub? Planning on buying the series? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Run With the Wind releases on Blu-ray on June 9th!