Sentai Filmworks Acquires The License Of GAKUEN BASARA: SAMURAI HIGH SCHOOL Anime
CAPCOM'S popular series of Sengoku Basara has received a spoof spinoff titled Gakuen Basara: Samurai High School. Here is more information on the new acquisition by Sentai Filmworks.
The official Sentai Filmworks website has shared their exclusive acquisition of the Gakuen Basara: Samurai High School license. The company will be in charge of distributing the project for the USA, Canada and Latin America.
The company describes the anime as follows:
Anyone who thinks warring samurai and violent power plays in feudal Japan were rough business must have missed Monday mornings in this modern high school! The winds of change have come for the students of Basara Academy. Due to the suspension of their current student council president, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a new leader must be chosen. Two prominent first-year athletes prepare to battle for the chance to rule the school: baseball elite Masamune Date and soccer star Yukimura Sanada. However, it’s not all fun and games as the two also have to fight other rivals for the top spot. From fierce food-eating contests to brutal sports challenges, who will have what it takes to be the new student council president?
Brain's Base will be producing the series, Minoru Ohara is directing, Kouji Miura is under series composition, Haruhito Takada is in charage of character design and Naoki Aisaka is the chief animation director.
Sentai states that the anime will be available to stream online for the Fall 2018 simulcast season.
The anime series that inspired this spoof is called Gakuen Basara and will premiere on October 5, 2018. DAX Production is producing the project and Brain's Base is animating it.