Released in 2014, in the pages of Dengeki Daioh, writer Kenji Sugihara and Musashino Animation created Shirabako. The meta and feel-good series told the story of Aoi Miyamori and her four friends, all with a dream to create an anime. After graduating high school, Aoi and her friends all work in various aspects of the anime and manga industry at a company called Musashino Animation. Through the series fans, were able to see the trials, tribulations, and day to day routines of creators in the industry.
The anime was such a hit that an anime was later greenlit and premiered in the same year, through P.A. Works. Once the series took off, a novel was released, in 2015, by Shueisha and an OVA, as well. This year a brand new film was released that featured all of the original cast and crew returning! The series has been a significant influence on young creators and never seems to stop teaching to anyone who reads the story.
To continue to broaden the minds of fans of the series, Japan is holding a new event, subtitled, "Learn To Make Anime With Shirobako." The exhibition will feature materials from the anime and recently released film with sections for people to learn how an anime is created. The event will also feature a tie-in app to immerse the guests even more and see messages from cast and crew. The event is going to be held at the SKIP City business and events center in Saitama, a center to help grow the audio and visual industries.
Could this be worth a trip? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot! The Shirobako event will begin on June 20th and continue until September 6th. With TV materials releasing on August 2nd and Film materials on August 4th!