Kei Toume's Sing 'Yesterday' For Me, originally published in the pages of Business Jump, in 1997. The series is a coming of age tale between three a group of friends, Rikou, who can't find work after college. Harou, a strange girl with a pet crow; and Rikou's friend Shinako. It had recently been announced that the series would be getting the anime treatment and now, thanks to the series' official Twitter, a special gift has been left for fans.
Creators of the series have decided to give fans the unique opportunity to have a sneak peek of the series, by streaming the first nine minutes of the first episode. The preview then ends with a brief snippet of the series ending theme, "A Bird in a Cage", by the band younness. Make sure to check it out below!
Excited for the new series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments!
Sing 'Yesterday' For Me is set to premiere, in Japan, on April 4th; with 12 episodes airing and an extra six episodes that will be available through streaming on