In 2016, Kagiji Kumanomata launched the manga series, Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, in the pages of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday. So far, the series has published 14 volumes and plans to continue releasing new chapters.
The manga tells the story of a young, insomnia plagued princess who is kidnapped and trapped in a demon castle. As she awaits her inevitable rescue, all she wants to do is get some sleep; however, for some reason, that is the one thing she cannot achieve.
Being that the premise of the series is already pretty funny, an anime was greenlit very quickly by the studio Doga Kobo; and will be helmed by Mitsue Yamazaki. As of now, the anime has been in development for some time, with no word on when the premiere of the show will be. However, that has recently changed as the anime has released a new promo announcing some new staff and even the premiere date!
As per the announcement, some of the new faces joined by the talent already named are Megumi Matsumoto, Chieko Nakamura, and Kei Ishiguro, who will be handling prop design, acting as art director and also color design, respectively. These are just some of the new names joining the already talented team. Make sure to check out the latest promo, and don't forget to share your thoughts on the news in the comments!
Sshhh! Princess Syalis is trying to get a good night's sleep. Some shut-eye. Forty winks. Catch some Z's. Long ago in olden times when people and demons lived together in—well, disharmony, really – a demon king kidnaps a human princess and imprisons her in his castle. Bereft, the princess's subjects beat their chests in anguish…until a hero arises to spearhead Project Rescue Our Princess! While waiting for her knight in shining armor, what's an imprisoned princess to do …? Teddy-bear guards with bat wings are all very well, but her dungeon cell is bo-o-o-ring! So, she decides to wile away the long hours by sleeping. Now if only she could get comfortable…and didn't suffer from insomnia…
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle is set to premiere in Japan this October!