In 1994, the light novel series Sorcerous Stabber Orphen was released in Japan. Created by Yoshinobu Akita and Kusaka, the fantasy series tells the story of a young man who drops out of sorcerer school and decides to travel to save someone who is like a sister to him.
Following a four year hiatus, the series continued last Christmas and has continued to release more chapters since. Since its release, a brand new anime has also premiered for the series that just completed its first season.
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series, the anime will be releasing a second season very soon! While no new release date has been set, a brand new voice actress has been added to the cast of the series named Akira Kito.
While her role is undisclosed, fans will find out who she is once the new season officially releases! Make sure to check out her new announcement video below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below!
Orphen is a Sorcerer drop-out from the prestigious Tower of Fangs. His journey to save Azalie, a girl he looked up to like a sister, has brought him to the bustling city of Totokanta. Here they are reunited for the first time in five years. But what is the truth behind her monstrous transformation, and just what secrets lurk behind the Sword of Baldanders...?
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck is coming soon!