Set in a magic and fantasy world, Sorcerous Stabber Orphen is a series that was initially released back in 1994 from Yoshinobu Akita. After dropping out of a school for sorcerous, the story follows a young man who goes on a quest to find a friend he looks up to like an older sister.
Of course, as all manga stories go, things only ramp up after the beginning of the story, and with the success of the comic, an anime was later greenlit. The first season of the show premiered this past January and streamed on Funimation for western audiences. The show was a huge hit for fans, so much so that a second season was later confirmed.
Viewers have been waiting patiently for an announcement on the new season, titled Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck, and now there has been confirmation that the new season can be expected early next year! There is no footage or visuals for the season yet, but that could change considering the season's January premiere.
There is still a lot to unpack about what the new season has in store for fans. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Orphen is a Sorcerer drop-out from the prestigious Tower of Fangs. His journey to save Azalie, a girl he looked up to like a sister, has brought him to the bustling city of Totokanta. Here they are reunited for the first time in five years. But what is the truth behind her monstrous transformation, and just what secrets lurk behind the Sword of Baldanders...?
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Battle of Kimluck will premiere in Japan on January 20th, 2021!