In Japan, the five year anniversary of the high school set musical instrument anime, Sound! Euphonium, has arrived. The series has been a major treasure to fans, as the series covers music, friendship, memories and perserverence as a team rather than apart. The light novel series was written by Ayano Takeda and illustrated by Nikki Asada.
Once the journey of the Kitauji High School Concert Band Club reached a more public eye, Tatsuya Ishihara and Naoko Yamada, helped bring it to life as an anime. With the assistance of Kyoto Animation, the series became a massive hit among fans. Since then the rest has been history for five years.
As a gift for the anniversary, Ishihara provided a wonderful visual to celebrate. The visual shows off the main cast of the series, using vibrant colors and a shine against the brass of the instruments. Ishihara has allowed fans to be a able to download the photo and use it as a screensaver for their smartphones or desktops! Check it out below.
First time hearing of the series? Loving the outpouring of positivity for the series and its long animation and written history? We would love to hear your thougths and memories in the usual spot! Seasons one and two of Sound! Euphonium can be streamed via Crunchyroll!