Based on character designs created by Humikane Shimada, Strike Witches is a franchise that was established in 2005 and has branched out to the world of manga, anime, and even games. The most recent title to continue the franchise has been announced to be Strike Witches: Road to Berlin.
In the series, following an attack by other world monsters called Neuroi, a group of magical girls is tasked with defending their planet with Striker Units, which enhances their abilities. Inspired by real aerial aces, the new series will continue the overall story of the Strike Witches franchise.
While the new show has been announced for release for quite some time, and various trailers and artwork to help promote it, there has yet to be any concrete announcements on the release date. However, following a recent announcement from the World Witches website, an official October release has been confirmed!
With the new release date announced, fans can now mark their calendars for the premiere of the new series! Make sure to share your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
The overall franchise's story centers on an alien invasion by beings known as the Neuroi. The only way to damage and ultimately defeat them lies in Witches, girls who possess magical powers and are capable of wielding Striker Units that enhance their abilities and allow them to maneuver in the air. The characters in the franchise are often based on real-life aerial aces from various nationalities.
Strike Witches: Road To Berlin will premiere in Japan on October 7th!