Created by Yongje Park, the Korean manhwa series The God of High School was released through WEBTOONS, and its action has captivated readers for years. During the series publication, many readers have been drawn in by the kinetic action and eye-popping visuals.
The series tells the story of high school students who, with the help of gods, use their unique fighting styles to compete in a fighting tournament that allows the winner to have any wish they have granted. The catch is not only to survive the experience, but also the conspiracies that will be found along the way.
With the book's massive success, it was only a matter of time before an animated adaption was greenlit. Thankfully, it was revealed earlier in the year that the streaming service, Crunchyroll, would be adapting multiple manhwa series into a full anime, with the help of studio MAPPA and the musical talents of KSUKE and CIX working on the opening and ending themes, respectively.
One of the first that has been released was the series, Tower of God. The show was an instant success upon release and is even going to have an English dub version of the anime!
With The God of High School on the docket next, fans have been given glimpses of the characters and action through various visuals and trailers that have been released. The most recent trailer release is finally answering the big question that has been on the minds of many viewers, when will the show come out?
Well, the answer to that question is this July! With a new trailer and visual, the wait is almost over to see what will probably be one of the biggest action anime in recent memory! Make sure to check out the new visual and trailer, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Jin Mori has proclaimed himself the strongest high schooler.
His life changes when he's invited to participate in "God of High School," a tournament to determine the strongest high schooler of all.
He's told that if he wins, any wish he makes will be granted...
All the participants are powerful contenders who fight their hardest for their own wishes. What awaits them at the end of the tournament?
A chaotic battle between unbelievably strong high school students is about to begin!
The God of High School premieres on Crunchyroll on July 6th!