In 2015, Itaru Bonnoki launched the hilarious gag manga series, The Vampire Dies In No Time in the pages of Akita Shoten's Weekly Shonen Champion. The series has released 14 volumes and, as of Friday, will be releasing its 15th. The series has continued publishing the series even today; 5 years after the premiere.
The series tells the story of two very different characters, a vampire hunter named Ronaldo and a vampire named Dralc. Dralc has a reputaiton of being invincible and has garnered the attention of Ronaldo, tasked with saving a child the vampire took. What Ronaldo finds is that these stories are more tall tales than fact. In fact, Dralc isn't strong at all; instead he dies almost too often and turns out to be mroe weak than intimidating. The gag series has been a major hit among fans, during its run, and was only a matter of time before it take the leap to the small screen.
In the pages of the 23rd issues of Weekly Shonen Champion, it was revelaed that The Vampire Dies In No Time, will be getting the anime treatment! Due to this being just a reveal, only the announcement was given. While not much more has been revealed, it is safe to assume that more news will be coming soon.
Excited for the reveal? Planning on reading more of the series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot and stay tuned for more information on the anime adaption of The Vampire Dies In No Time.