In 2016, Kodansha's Weekly Shonen Magazine began publishing Yoshitoki Oima's award-winning series, To Your Eternity. The manga tells the story about a boy and his wolf as they both survive the harsh cold of the Arctic areas in North America. Over time the two find there is more to each other than they assumed.
The series has published 12 volumes so far and has launched its second arc this past January. The success of the series has also gotten an anime series off the ground, through NHK Educational.
While not much about the anime has been revealed aside from a promo and the plot, the series' official website has decided to announce the main voice cast for the series. The cast includes Reiji Kawashima, Rie Hikisaka, Aya Uchida, Rikako Aikawa, Kenjiro Tsuda, and Mitsuki Saiga as Fushi, March, Parona, Pioran, The Beholder and Hayase, respectively.
The cast will no doubt bring a level of depth that the series deserves and allow the audience to connect fully with the characters. Make sure to stay tuned for more updates, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
A new manga from the creator of the acclaimed A Silent Voice, featuring intimate, emotional drama and an epic story spanning time and space…
A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions of North America meets a wolf, and the two become fast friends, depending on each other to survive the harsh environment. But the boy has a history, and the wolf is more than meets the eye as well… To Your Eternity is a totally unique and moving manga about death, life, reincarnation, and the nature of love.
To Your Eternity will premiere this October!