Initially created as a manga series by Yoshitoki Oima, A Silent Voice told a story about friendship and survival as readers follow the journey of a young boy and wolf along the Arctic. Through the story, the two learn more about each other as aspects of each other come to light, and their bond grows.
Due to the massive success of the manga, an anime was confirmed and has since been in development titled, To Your Eternity. While only able to typically release the occasional teaser or key art, the creators have been hard at work to give fans the most faithful adaption possible.
Recently, a new trailer was released that has confirmed the show will be streaming on Crunchyroll! There was not a lot of information that could be given in regards to the release; however a new English subtitled trailer began streaming.
While more information is still needed, it is undoubtedly exciting to see the possibility of what is to come with this new series. We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to check out the new trailer!
A lonely boy wandering the Arctic regions of North America meets a wolf, and the two become fast friends, depending on each other to survive the harsh environment. But the boy has a history, and the wolf is more than meets the eye as well…
To Your Eternity is premiering this October; however, more details are still coming for the Crunchyroll release!