Initially created as a smartphone game by Donuts, Tokyo 7th Sisters tells the story of how the idol scene ended with the disappearance of the group 7th sisters. For two years, idols have not been seen until the player of the game is given the keys to the studio Triple 7 (777).
With the chance to bring idols back, the player meets and recruits potential idols and helps to develop the characters and relationships in the game. The rhythm and adventure game was initially released in 2014, and its instant success even created many manga and novels.
As of now, with the help of LandQ studio and music by Victor Entertainment, director Takayuki Kitagawa will be bringing the idol series to the big screen with a new animated adventure! The upcoming film is titled Tokyo 7th Sisters: Bokura wa Aozora ni Naru.
The upcoming film was initially set to release this summer; however, as the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread, those plans changed. As of now, the film has officially been delayed, due to the anime's production committee.
With no new release date given yet, the film's team states to stay tuned to the film's website and Twitter for updates. Until then, don't forget to share your thoughts on the delay and potential updates!
In the year of 2032, the legendary idol unit "7th Sisters" suddenly retired from the industry and disappeared. That was the end of the idol industry... Until two years later, when a young glory-seeking employee (the player) is appointed to be the leader of Tokyo's next generation idol studio, "777 (Three Seven)", commonly referred to as Nanastar. However, the city continues to believe that idols are a thing of the past, and Nanastar is no exception. The story of the idols of the future, the Nanastar Sisters, will now unfold.
Tokyo 7th Sisters: Bokura wa Aozora ni Naru is coming soon!