The official TOHO Animation company has shared a new trailer for the upcoming Uma Musume: Pretty Derby - BNW no Chikai special episode. The trailer has new scenes that were not shown in previous trailers or social media. The video gives away more story points or plot details than other sources. It presents various obstacles the characters will need to overcome and shows the different settings it will visit.
This special episode will be attached to the fourth DVD volume which will be on sale on December 19. This package has a price of 12,800 yen and it includes: 24 minutes of footage plus a completely new animation, bonus footage and an original drawing/illustration.
Hiroshi Oikawa is directing, Masaaki Ota is the deputy director, Ishihara Akihiro/Sugiura Risa are under series composition, Yusuke Ikushima performs the character design and Taro Iwashiro produces the music. The special episode has a release date of November 14, 2018.