Originally beginning as a light novel series, that ran from 2015 to 2020, Violet Evergarden is a coming-of-age drama series that was written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase. The story centers around a woman who would aid in writing for others that required her skills. Following the end of a war, the woman named Violet does her best to find her place in the world, as a ghostwriter, while trying to uncover her own mysteries.
The novel series later spawned a highly praised anime series, of the same name, that ran for 13 episodes before concluding. The series was released by Kyoto Animation, a studio that would also handle a spin-off film for the series titled Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll, which released the following year.
The latest installment in the franchise is a brand new feature film titled Violet Evergarden: The Movie. The film was initially set for a release in April but was forced to delay the premiere due to the recent spread of the COVID-19 virus. For the past few months, fans have been waiting for any type of announcement of a release.
After a recent reveal from a reairing of the original anime's final episode, the upcoming film has officially announced a release date for September of this year! While not much more news has been given et, fans can start planning to get their seats for the new film. Make sure to share your thoughts on the update in the comments!
The story revolves around Auto Memory Dolls: people initially employed by a scientist named Dr. Orland to assist his blind wife Mollie in writing her novels, and later hired by other people who needed their services. In the present time, the term refers to the industry of writing for others. The story follows Violet Evergarden's journey of reintegrating back into society after the war is over and her search for her life's purpose now that she is no longer a soldier in order to understand the last words her major, Gilbert, had told her: "I love you."
Violet Evergarden: The Movie is set to release on September 18th!