The brand new vampiric anime series, VladLove, tells the story of a young girl who has an obsession with donating blood; this obsession becomes more supernatural after meeting a very frail and pale girl who happens to be a vampire. From there, her story takes a much more chaotic turn as the world of vampires comes knocking, and a new friendship is born.
The new series is created by Mamoru Oshii, the same creator of the Ghost in the Shell film, and on top of creating the original story, has brought back colleague nad composer Kenji Kawai (Ghost in the Shell) to score the series! While a delay due to COVID-19 has held up the release, it looks to be well worth it once it hits screens.
News updates have slowed down since the show was delayed, but updates have started to trickle in, and one of the latest releases is in regards to the artists that will be performing the show's opening theme. According to the official website, heavy metal band Lovebites will be performing the song "Winds Of Transylvania," a first for the band!
There is still a lot left to learn before the show's premiere but make sure to stay vigilant for more updates as they roll out! Don't forget to share your thoughts on the news in the comments below!
Mitsugu Bamba is a high school girl who is crazy about donating her blood, to the point that she feels compelled to visit a local blood bank despite the unfriendly nurse. One day, Mitsugu encounters a beautiful girl there who looks like she has come from overseas. The girl is so pale that she appears ready to faint. Instead, she suddenly starts trashing the blood bank. The girl then loses consciousness and so Mitsugu takes her home...
VladLove is coming soon!