Based on the light novel series of the same name, Jougi Shiraishi's Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina, is a widely beloved series that allows anyone with a free spirit and love of magic to have an escape. Upon release, the series has released multiple volumes in Japanese and English by Yen Press.
The series follows the story of a witch named Elaina. The witch's primary goal in life is to travel anywhere her heart desires and meets many different people along the way. As she encounters more people, she learns more about the world around her and maybe even find a successor along the way.
The light novel series, which has released 13 volumes so far, later spawned a manga adaption by Itsuku Nanao, which premiered in the pages of Square Enix's Manga UP! Magazine. The series has released only two volumes so far. Since its printed success, director Toshiyuki Kubooka over at C2C and a large staff are hard at work on an anime adaption of the series.
The upcoming series has had a lot of buzz surrounding it, showcasing multiple visuals and announcements, and it looks like more reveals are on the way with a new promo and casting announcement! Thanks to the show's official website, fans can expect voice actress Yoko Hikasa to join the series as the character Sheila.
A brand new teaser has also been revealed that announces the series' fall release! Make sure to check it out below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Once upon a time, there was a witch named Elaina, who set off on a journey across the world. Along the way, she would meet all kinds of people, from a country full of witches to a giant in love with his own muscles—but with each meeting, Elaina would become a small part of their story, and her own world would get a little bit bigger.
Wandering Witch - The Journey of Elaina will debut, in Japan, this October!