In the upcoming anime, Warlords of Sigrdrifa, the earth is a battleground against a threat called Pillars. In response to this, the God Odin grants the earth a group of defenders called Walküres. For years the battles continue with humanity adapting to aid the aerial aces in their war against the Pillars. This new series follows the heroes years after their arrival.
The new show is not only an upcoming anime but a new franchise that even plans to expand into the manga arena. Series creator Tappei Nagatsuki is also penning a new prequel novel ahead of the show's release titled, Senyoku no Sigrdrifa Sakura Jō which will release on October 1st.
A brand new ad was also streamed on the show's official Twitter that revealed its first episode will be a one-hour special! Along with a new promo video, some new cast members were also announced, including Hiroaki Hirata, Shigeru Chiba, Yūichi Nakamura, Tomokazu Sugita, Mafia Kajita as Ichiro Satomi, maintenance team leader, Ronge, Kinpatsu, Gurasan, respectively.
With the release of the series coming this October, make sure to stay tuned to any more new updates for the series! Also, don't forget to check out the new promo below, and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
In the anime's original story, the Pillars suddenly appeared above Earth, threatening all life. A god who called himself Odin came to the aid of humanity as it was driven to near complete defeat. To counter the Pillars, Odin declared a counterattack by bequeathing humanity with the battle maidens Walküres and the "herocraft" as their wings.
Several years later, the battle between humanity and Pillars rages on, with men supporting the Walküres as they soar through the treacherous skies to save the world.
Japan is no exception. Three Walküres confront the giant Pillar looming over sacred Mt. Fuji. Each Walküre is skilled, but each also has issues. And now, an ace pilot has arrived from Europe.
"Now is the time to fight back, humanity. The day of reckoning has arrived. The time of Ragnarok draws nears."
Warlords of Sigrdrifa's new 1-hour first episode will begin airing on October 3rd!