Daisuke Ashihara's World Trigger is a unique series that tests not only two warring factions in an effort to protect the world but also the friendship of two people on either side of the fence. Since it's release, the manga has always had a loyal fanbase.
Sadly, due to the health of the creator not being in the best standing, the manga has been subjected to multiple hiatuses that have extended the run of the series considerably. That, however, has not stopped creators from adapting the series into an anime.
As of now, there have been two seasons released, with the latest season being in limbo for a brief amount of time. Now, with production underway, fans have been able to stay updated on casting news and have even gotten a brand new promo video!
Released on the series' Twitter, the promo offers up some great footage for fans. Make sure to check it out below and tell us your thoughts in the comments!
Earth is under constant threat from Neighbors, invincible monsters from another dimension that destroy our way of life. At least we have the elite warriors of Border, who co-opt alien technology to fight back! Our hero Osamu Mikumo may not be the best agent, but he'll do whatever it takes to defend life on Earth as we know it. When Osamu meets a feisty humanoid Neighbor named Yuma, everything that he thinks is right is turned on its head. Can the two natural enemies ever become friends?
The new season of World Trigger will release on January 9th!