Based on the anime by Daisuke Ashihara, World Trigger is a story about friendship and enemies. Released in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump, the book continues to be in publication; however, there have been multiple hiatuses due to the creator's struggling health.
The first season of the anime was released back in 2014 to critical acclaim, and following its conclusion, fans have still been waiting for a second season. Now, while there has been a second season confirmed, not much information has been given on a release date or even a full trailer.
However, the show's official Twitter has finally decided to give fans a little something for their patience. That something is a brand new visual illustrated by the talented Toshihisa Kaiya of the main character Yuma Kuga.
Since there is still no release date for the series, there is still more left to be announced, but it looks like moves are being made to make the next season a reality. We would love to hear your thoughts on the series or the artwork in the comments below!
Earth is under constant threat from Neighbors, invincible monsters from another dimension that destroy our way of life. At least we have the elite warriors of Border, who co-opt alien technology to fight back! Our hero Osamu Mikumo may not be the best agent, but he'll do whatever it takes to defend life on Earth as we know it. When Osamu meets a feisty humanoid Neighbor named Yuma, everything that he thinks is right is turned on its head. Can the two natural enemies ever become friends?
World Trigger season 2 is coming soon!