The first footage from Blame! The Movie was recently released and the animation looks crisp, which should be expected with Polygon Pictures behind the wheel. Tsutomu Nihei, who launched the 10 volume manga back in 1997 penned the script and designed the characters. Knights of Sidonia helmer Hiroyuki Seshita directs. The film currently has an unspecified, 2017 release date and will be a Netflix original production. A
promo poster for the film was previously released back in July.
Killy is a man of few words. He wanders, seemingly endlessly, through a lonely, gargantuan labyrinth of concrete and steel, fighting off cyborgs and other futuristic nightmares, searching only for something called Net Terminal Genes. And he has a very powerful gun, which he uses without hesitation whenever anything resembling danger rears its ugly head. Who is this quiet, violent, determined man and what are these Genes he seeks? The small communities he finds tucked into the crevices of this towering, dystopic ruin hardly give him leads on his treasure, driving him to find larger enclaves of civilization where people can reveal more about the world he lives in and the quarry he seeks.
If Killy is going to find the treasure he seeks, he will need more help and information than the inhabitants of these beleaguered outposts can offer. He needs to find a larger cluster of civilization, but he'll have to survive the trip to get there, first...