The upcoming online animation Odekake Kozame (A Little Shark Going Out), which is based on the Penguin Box comic about a tiny shark having adventures in the human world, has released a new preview trailer.
The series' official theme song, "Yorimichi" (Taking the Scenic Router), is performed in-character by Kozame-chan. Watch it now below!
Kana Hanazawa (Mitsuri Kanroji in Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba) has been cast as the anime's main character, Kozame-chan, and is the voice talent behind the video above! You can see her headshot below:
Check out the main staff for the anime series below:
- Director: Rina Makio (The Rising of the Shield Hero episode director)
- Series Composition/Screenplay: Hiroaki Nagashima
- Character Design: Arisa Yoshii
- Color Designer: Eiko Nishi
- Director of Photography: Akemi Sasaki
- Sound Director: Kisuke Koizumi
- Sound Effects : Akiko Muto
- Sound Production: dugout
- Music: Keisho Fujisawa
- Music Production: KADOKAWA
- Editing: Rina Oguchi
- Animation Production: ENGI
- Production: KADOKAWA
Watch the trailer for the anime now!
Based on the manga by Penguin Box, Odekake Kozame is directed by Marina Maki at animation studio ENGI. The series will begin streaming on YouTube on August 1!
Did you watch the new lyrical trailer for A Little Shark Going Out? Be sure to watch it and leave your thoughts in the comments down below! It's too adorable to miss out on, in our opinion.