My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission is set to kick off its theatrical run this Friday. It marks the third film in the franchise and focuses heavily on the characters of Deku, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Rody. There is a great amount of detail put into two relationships between these characters as Todoroki and Bakugou team up while Deku is on the run for murder alongside his newest pal, Rody, with who he ultimately forms an unbreakable bond.
The movie features the English voice cast from the show, the film, and all seven voice actors recently took part in a press circuit to answer questions and we had the exciting opportunity to exclusively speak with them during the event.
We recently shared our first conversation which was with Deku and Bakugou voice actors Justin Briner and Clifford Chapin. Now we're following up with our next exclusive chat featuring Todoroki and Endeavor voice talents David Matranga and Patrick Seitz.
Check out our conversation with the voice actors below and make sure to check back in for the others to come this week. And don't forget to share your thoughts in the usual spot!
Continuing our coverage in support of the new film My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission, this chat features voice actors David Matranga and Patrick Seitz, who respectively play the characters of Todoroki and Endeavor.
We had a great time chatting about their experience with the new film as well as the familiar relationship between Todoroki and his father, Endeavor. David also goes into detail about his character's relationship with Bakugou, which pairs perfectly with our prior chat with voice actor Clifford Chapin, who brings Bakugou to life.
Meanwhile, Patrick explains the difference to him between this My Hero Academia film versus the series as a whole, and why he thinks the movie equates to ice cream for breakfast.
My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission hits theaters this Friday, October 29th.