Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has shared via Twitter, the first images of Android 17 in the Dragon Ball Fighterz game. 17 is the 8th character to join the game as DLC. Bandai promised to reveal a full moveset video tomorrow, for now, all we get are stills from the game.
17 looks like he uses kicks as his main attack style, we can see his signature green streak while attacking as well. The stills don't show us his barrier he famously used while battling Jiren in Dragon Ball Super. We don't know if that will make an appearance tomorrow.
Dragon Ball Fighterz has a 50% discount sale on every edition going on right now on Steam. The FighterZ and the Ultimate edition. If you are a PC player and have thought about buying the game, this is the perfect chance.
As soon as Bandai releases 17's moveset video, we will let you know.