Based on the light novel series created by Natsume Akatsuki, Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!, is a hit series that has released 17 volumes so far and continues to publish more issues! The series follows a young man who dies and is given the option of being reborn in a fantasy world; after agreeing, the man also brings along his wish giver who reveals that she must return to her world and must defeat the demon king with his new crew of adventurers.
Praised for its story and comedy, the franchise has been a smash hit since it was released back in 2012. Along with its accompanying anime series, the franchise has even branched out into multiple video games!
Entergram Co., Ltd. has recently announced that they will be releasing an enhanced version of their dungeon crawler RPG Konosuba: Labyrinth of Hope and Gathering Adventurers Plus, which will be coming to the PS4 and Switch. The new version will feature more skills for the main character, more quests, costumes, and rewards, along with many other updates!
A brand new trailer that focuses on the game's mechanics was also revealed that can be seen below! Make sure to check it out, and we would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Following an untimely and embarrassing death, Kazuma Satō, a Japanese teenager shut-in NEET, meets a goddess named Aqua, who offers to reincarnate him in a parallel world with MMORPG elements, where he can go on adventures and battle monsters.
Konosuba: Labyrinth of Hope and Gathering Adventurers Plus will release on PS4 and Switch on August 27th!