Gimmick!, a popular platformer for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), was one of the games that Sunsoft had previously revealed as part of their massive resurrection campaign.
Gimmick now has a release date, thanks to the efforts of both the publisher and the developer, Bitwave Games! The Special Edition is scheduled to be released on July 6 for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC (through Steam), with the Xbox One version to follow shortly after. In addition to the digital download, physical editions will be arriving for the PS4 and Switch versions later this year. We'll keep you updated on that release information as it becomes avaiable!
In the meantime, check out the official release date announcement trailer!
New Features for Gimmick! Special Edition:
Gimmick! Special Edition adds in a Speed Run mode, new quality of life features and the ability to disable all the bells and whistles for the more challenging Serious mode. There are also online leaderboards, rewind abilities, achievements and more!
Let us know in the comments below if you will be tuning in to the Gimmick! Special Edition this summer!
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