The anime franchise Sokyu no Fafner, is a sprawling anime project that has been running since 2004 and has had a slew of anime films and episodes to the series. The series is no stranger to pushing the limits in terms of telling its story; doing everything from having a series to releasing its episodes on the big screen.
As of now, since 2004 the list of projects for the series is probably more than anyone could have expected. The official Youtube channel has decided to stream everything, throughout the month of May. The first weekend of the month will see the release of the first 26 episodes of the original series.The channel will then stream Sokyu no Fafner - Single Program - Right of Left - and Fafner: Heaven and Earth May 9th and 10th. The last of the releases will be on May 16th and 17th and will feature Fafner EXODUS.
The most recent announcement for the newest project, Fafner the Beyond has had the 13 episode anime releasing its anime in groups of three, in theaters, since May 2019. The series has recently revealed a brand new promo for episodes 7-9 and a new theme song by music duo angela, titled Sakebe. Make sure to check out the new footage below!
Excited for the new series? Make sure to share your thougths in the comments! The new episodes of Fafner the Beyond will release in theaters as the creators guage a proper release, due to COVID-19.