Back in 1979, manga creator duo Yudetamago, created the cosmic wrestling manga Kinnikuman. The series was a massive success and found its way to the US as early as the 1980's. The series had its own anime that made its way to the US in the early 2000's called Ultimate Muscle, which aried on Fox Box.
In 2011, the series moved to a free web series to continue the story. There were also a couple of one-shots that released in Shueisha's Grand Jump in 2015 and Weekly Shonen Jump in 2019. The series itself has always been a hit with fans, even if it never blew up as much as Shueisha's other well known series.
Recently, a brand new bit of news came out that, after a talk with Shueisha, Yudetamago will be taking a one month hiatus. The hiatus comes after Japan declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With a lot of family in Japan living with elders, this undoubtedly the safest solution for everyone, for now.
Thoughts on the hiatus? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments below! Kinnikuman will make sure to continue publications in about a month, until then stay tuned for any further updates.