In 2016, Tadahiro Miura released the manga series Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs. The series released in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump and tells the story of a young man named Kogarashi, who is plagued by ghosts and wants nothing more than to be rid of them. When he finds a boarding house full of scantily dressed women, he believes he can turn his life around. All he has to do is clear the house of spirits and he can stay rent free. However, when a female spirit, named Yuuna, catches his eye, he decides to instead try to keep her from turning evil. The manga was both a hit with fans and also very controversial, due to its subject matter.
The manga series was such a success that an anime was released, in 2018. The series was released through Aniplex of America and streamed on Crunchyroll. Surprisingly, the anime only ran for 12 episodes. As of now, the series has had no announcements for a second season.
Recently, it was announced in the 26th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, that the next issue would feature a major announcement, along with the reveal that the series would be concluding in that same chapter. No further news was revealed, however, of what to expect or what could be next after the conclusion.
Sad to see the series end? Planning on rereading the manga before the conclusion? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs is set to conclude on June 8th.