In 2013, Hitomi Iruma and illustrator Non, launched the novel series Adachi to Shimamura in Dengeki Bunko magazine. The series centers around two young ladies and friends named Adachi and Shimamaru, who spend their days together doing anything and everything. It isn't long until Adachi begins to feel a romantic connection with Shimamaru that changes their dynamic from that point forward.
The series has been a massive success and has even spawned a manga adaption that ran from 2016 to 2017, in Square Enix's Gangan Online. A more recent manga launched back in 2019 in Kadokawa's Monthly Comic Dengeki Deoh and has also been a hit. Recently, an anime adaption of the series was announced and features the voices of Akari Kito as Adachi and Miku Ito as Shimamaru; the duo will also be performing the theme!
A brand new promo for the upcoming series was released, this week, and features a ton of new footage for the series. Make sure to check it out below and pay close attention during the video as the promo also reveals the release window that the series will be in!
Excited for the new series? Interested in reading the manga and light novel series? We would love to hear your thoughts in the usual spot! Adachi to Shimamaru is set to release, in Japan, in October!