The multimedia franchise, Assault Lily Bouquet, began in 2013 as an action figure line that featured high school girls with intense sci-fi Esque weapons. The concept later spawned a light novel series, titled Assault Lily ~Ichiryutai Shutsugeki Shimasu!~, in 2015. Kasama Hiroyuki wrote the series.
Assault Lily Bouquet tells the story of a world that has come under attack by giant creatures called "Huge." By manipulating magic and science, scientists created weapons that connect with young high school girls. As lilies, these girls fight off the creatures with a warrior-like intensity and ballerina-like grace.
The franchise is planning to release a new anime titled Assault Lily Bouquet, this fall, after being delayed from its original summer release due to COVID-19. Along with the new show release, the franchise is also planning on bringing g a brand new manga to the spotlight!
The unnamed manga series is set to release this summer in the pages of Bushiroad's Monthly Bushiroad magazine. With no story revealed as of yet, there could either be a brand new narrative created or an adaption of the original anime.
No matter what, there can never be enough of the lilies taking no bad guys in any medium. Make sure to share your thoughts on the new franchise in the comments!
On Earth in the near future, humanity faced imminent destruction from mysterious giant creatures known as "Huge." The entire world unites against the Huge, and successfully develops weaponry known as "CHARM" (Counter Huge Arms) by combining science and magic. CHARM exhibits high rates of synchronization with teenaged girls, and the girls who use CHARM are viewed as heroes called "Lilies." Throughout the world, "Garden" military academies are established to train Lilies to face the Huge and to serve as bases to protect and guide people. This is a story about fighting girls who aim to become Lilies at one such Garden.
Assault Lily Bouquet's new manga will release on July 8th!