For many months, the Assault Lily mixed-media franchise has been teasing its upcoming anime series with new casting announcements, artwork, trailers, and various other reveals. This new anime, Assault Lily Bouquet, plans to bring the franchise to the forefront of fans of the magical girl genre, with the tagline, "A rhapsody of petals dancing on the frontline."
Beginning as an action figure line, this new series will be the first significant exposure to people worldwide. The premise revolves around young girls who, with the help of science and magic, utilize powerful weapons to defend against creatures that threaten the world.
Animated at SHAFT, the series will be helmed by Medaka Box director Shouji Saeki and a team of highly talented co-workers. Thanks to the hard work of said team, there is finally an actual release date for the anime that is set to release this October!
With the show streaming on Amazon Prime Video, it's crucial now, more than ever, to tune in on the right day and time, and now, we finally have that! Make sure to check out the official release date below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
On Earth in the near future, humanity faced imminent destruction from mysterious giant creatures known as "Huge." The entire world unites against the Huge, and successfully develops weaponry known as "CHARM" (Counter Huge Arms) by combining science and magic. CHARM exhibits high rates of synchronization with teenaged girls, and the girls who use CHARM are viewed as heroes called "Lilies." Throughout the world, "Garden" military academies are established to train Lilies to face the Huge and to serve as bases to protect and guide people. This is a story about fighting girls who aim to become Lilies at one such Garden.
Assault Lily Bouquet will premiere October 1st!