Released in 2018, B: The Beginning tells the story of a city in turmoil due to a mysterious killer. Among all of this, multiple characters converge in a tale of crime and justice—the series released on Netflix, as an original and was a hit after the premiere.
The anime was developed on Production I.G., with directors Kazuto Nakazawa and Yoshiki Yamakawa handling the series. As of now, the series has 12 episodes that are all streaming on Netflix. In the same year as the premiere, the second season was announced to be in production at the Annecy International Film Festival.
One of the issues that come with home video releases of Japanese products, in North America, is that that pricing can sometimes be affected, making full seasons have a considerable price hike. Another issue is it is hard to find distributors. However, B: The Beginning has managed to avoid at least one of those problems, so far.
Thanks to the pairing of Shout! Factory and Anime Limited, the series will see an official Blu-ray and electronic sell-through release. The news broke during Anime Limited's Cloud Matsuri panel that there would be a home video release in 2019. While not much info, at the time, was given, the home video release in North America and U.K. was listed as apart of the release countries.
There would also be an ultimate edition that is set to release, as well. Not much more was released as far as pricing, release dates, or extras included in the home video release, however. One guarantee is that this means the home video release will be on its way sooner rather than later.
With the second season coming, now is an excellent time to get caught up on B: The Beginning! Make sure to share your thoughts, on the series, or the Blu-ray, in the usual spot!
In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action sweep through the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Chief among the major players is “Killer B” - a serial killer who has thrown the city into chaos.
The stories of Koku, the protagonist, Keith, a legendary investigator of the Royal Investigation Service, and a mysterious criminal organization intertwine on the path to reach their objectives. A wide variety of unforgettable characters surround them on the journey, as they attempt to stop a chain of horrific crimes in this suspense drama.
B: The Beginning's Blu-ray release does not have an official ship date yet.