At the recently concluded Anime Expo, Bandai Entertainment and the Cartoon Network announced the creation of a new video-on-demand service known as Adult Swim Video on Demand, which will be available through a number of cable outlets including Comcast and Time/Warner Cable. The Scryed anime series, which has proven popular here in the States in part due to its similarity to superhero comics, is one of the first announced offerings of the new Adult Swim Video on Demand service. The new service is the first challenger to ADV's Anime Network, which is making the move from VOD to regular cable network in some systems.
Bandai also announced the acquisition of a number of new licenses including Please Twins (Onegai Twins), a "sequel" to the popular Please Teacher series; Galaxy Angel Z, the sequel to Galaxy Angel; the highly anticipated Scrapped Princess anime; as well as Kenran Butou Sai (Mars Daybreak); Karakuri Kiden Hiwou Senki; and the golf anime Dan Doh!!