With the distribution of Toho Animation, the highly successful Studio TRIGGER is bringing all of the story and animation style to the small screen with a new anime. Brand New Animal places the viewers in a world where humanoid animals coexist in a world with humans, creating a world that descriminates the animal side. Once a young human girl is transformed into an animal herself, her and a wolf try to uncover the myster of her transformation and the greater conspiracy that could be attatched to it.
The new series has been in the works for some time at TRIGGER and has not had too much publicity aside from a few trailers and announcements. With the glimpses that fans have gotten, from the previous trailer release, it shows that this series has all the neon flare that drew audiences into the film, Promare. Musically, the series' opening theme is titled "Ready to" and will be performed, in character, by series voice actress Sumire Morohoshi. The ending theme is titled "NIGHT RUNNING" and is performed by Shin Sakiura feat. AAAMYYY.
Recently, new creditless openings for the series has been released. The opening theme will feature storyboards from Yoh Yoshinari. The ending theme is going to be worked on by Giant Ant and directed by Genice Chan. Check them out below!
Excited for the new series? Make sure to share your thoughts in the comments! Brand New Animal released, in Japan, on April 8th!