Created by Aho Toro and released by Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Sirius magazine, Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- is more than just another doctor who handles cases in the world of anime and manga. What makes Dr. Ramune so different is how he carries himself while being the best at his job.
When a patient has a strange medical dilemma, they go to him with a solution, but they won't get a doctor in the traditional sense; instead, he may curse at you and come across as completely unprofessional; however, that doesn't mean he won't fix your issue. With Ramune and his assistant, there is no mysterious disease too difficult to solve! When the manga released back in 2017, the series was a huge hit, and while it technically released its final chapter last year, it has continued on past that with even more volumes being released today.
Due to the manga's success, an anime of the same name was greenlit, and since the reveal, there have been constant casting announcements coming from the official website, including its most recent reveal of who will be voicing Master Doctor Momiji. According to the official site, voice actor Junichi Suwabe (Shota Aizawa in My Hero Academia) will be voicing the handsome doctor and even had this to say about his role, "Anyhow, thank you very much for watching with all your attention. Now, how will the winds current blow Momiji into the picture, and when will it occur? Please look forward to it!"
With another name added to the already great roster, what other voices will be coming in the future? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
As long as hearts exist inside people, there will always be those who suffer. When something "strange" enters their mind, a strange disease will manifest itself in their body. The illness, which is called a "mystery disease" is unknown to most, but it certainly exists. There is a doctor and an apprentice who can fight the disease, which modern medicine cannot cure.
His name is Ramune. He acts freely all the time, is foul-mouthed, and doesn't even look like a doctor! However, once he is confronted with the mysterious disease, he is able to quickly uncover the root cause of his patients' deep-seated distress and cure them.
Dr. Ramune -Mysterious Disease Specialist- will release in Japan in January 2021!