Back in 2014, Sou Hamayumiba launched the manga series Dropout Idol Fruit Tart in the pages of Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Carat. With only four volumes released, so far, a large part of the series' massive success is that the manga does an excellent job of poking fun at the idol genre while telling a great story.
For some time now, fans of the series have known that an anime adaption is on its way. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic postponing multiple releases to later in the year or even in 2021, the original release date of July was pushed back to a previously unannounced release date.
Thankfully, a brand new promo was released that has finally answered the question of when the series will officially air, The promo also showed some of the show's theme songs, which will be performed by the main cast. The openign theme is titled "Every Day is filled With Hope," while the ending theme is titled "Wonder!". Both will release on a CD on October 28th.
With the official release date confirmed to be in October, the long wait is finally almost over! We would love to hear your thougths on the news in the comments below and don't forget to check out the new promo below!
The story of Dropout Idol Fruit Tart follows Ino Sakura, a 1st-grade high school student who travels to Tokyo with dreams of becoming an idol. There she moves into a dormitory-style house for entertainers known as "Mouse Manor" and befriends Roko Sekino, a formerly popular child actress, Hayu Nukui, a musician, and Nina Maehara, a model. When "Mouse Manor" is threatened with being torn down, the girls form a new idol unit called "Fruit Tart" and attempt to challenge the entertainment industry in order to raise funds to protect their home.
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is set to premiere in October!