In 2014, So Hamayumiba created the comedy manga, Dropout Idol Fruit Tart. The series was published in the pages of Houbunsha's Manga Time Kirara Carat. The series was a hit on release while also playing up the humor of the idol genre.
The series tells the story of a young high school girl, Ino Sakura, who decides to travel to Tokyo to become a full-time idol. After her plans don't work correctly, Ino ends up rooming with a few other girls with similar dreams. Together they become an idol group named Fruit Tart and try again to make it big...while still paying the bills.
The manga, with only four volumes out right now, continue to captivate readers and make them laugh, as the series continues to be published. It was only a matter of time before the comic was announced to have anime adaption.
While the series has been out for six years, not much discussion had been made regarding an anime adaption. However, that has changed with the brand new series, Dropout Idol Fruit Tarts. The series is being developed at studio Feel and will be directed by Keiichiro Kawaguchi.
Initially, the anime was going to release this July; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the show is now releasing this fall. While the wait may be longer, it will be worth it. Make sure to share your thoughts on the new delay in the comments!
The story of Dropout Idol Fruit Tart follows Ino Sakura, a 1st-grade high school student who travels to Tokyo with dreams of becoming an idol. There she moves into a dormitory-style house for entertainers known as "Mouse Manor" and befriends Roko Sekino, a formerly popular child actress, Hayu Nukui, a musician, and Nina Maehara, a model. When "Mouse Manor" is threatened with being torn down, the girls form a new idol unit called "Fruit Tart" and attempt to challenge the entertainment industry in order to raise funds to protect their home.
Dropout Idol Fruit Tart is set to premiere in October!