The long-running Garo anime series will be getting the big picture treatment this fall! The series Garo, which has been running since 2014, has revealed a new film under the Garo: Crimson Moon film project. This new film, titled Usuzumizakura - Garo - (Gray Cherry Blossoms -Garo-), has just released a new key visual and teaser promo that you can check below. You can also view their website right HERE
The creative crew includes Satoshi Nishimura, of Ushio and Tora fame, taking the director’s chair. Masakazu Katsura (Tiger and Bunny) will be working on character designs while Attack on Titan’s Yasuko Kobayashi will be heading the script.
While there is still a few months before release; are you ready for the new movie? Gray Cherry Blossoms -Garo-, releases this fall.