An original survival action anime is coming titled, Gibiate. The series is being created by Yoshitaka Amano and an IP development group that has also worked on numerous Final Fantasy games.
The series tells the story of two men, a samurai, and ninja, who are transported from the past to a future ravaged by a virus. The duo must survive this new dangerous world in order to return to what they had.
The series has been in development since its announcement Anime Expo 2019 about a year ago. Amano is working on character designs while Resident Evil Manga artist Naoki Serizawa works on the designs for the creatures. The series also has various other talents working on different aspects of the series.
In a recent announcement, the ending theme for the series was released while also streaming the ending video. The theme is called "Endless ~Across the Time~" and will be performed by Sugizo and Maki Ohguro.
As the July premiere inches closer, expect highly energetic action and style. Make sure to share your thoughts on the series in the comments, and don't forget to check out the ending theme!
In 2030, Japan. A virus has infected humans throughout the world.
Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes and races. The virus is named 'Gibia' - after being rich in variety like gibier.
Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appeared in such a blighted wasteland of Japan.
They both travelled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find cure for Gibia.
Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibia, and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.
Gibiate will premiere, in Japan, on July 8th.