Beginning as a manga series back in 2014, Satoru Noda's Golden Kamuy was published in the pages of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump. The series told the story of two unlikely traveling companions as they search for a hidden treasure that has its map pieces hidden on the tattoos of men that are scattered across hundreds of miles.
Still in publication, the manga has released 21 volumes so far and shows no signs of stopping just yet! It wasn't until four years later that the anime adaption of the series was produced by Geno Studio and directed by Hitoshi Nanba and assistant director Takahiro Kawakoshi.
Overall, the series has run for over 20 episodes and has produced 3 OVAs. The second season of the season premiered in October of 2018 and has even had an English dub released. It wasn't until July of last year that fans had gotten confirmation of a third season, but nothing had been expanded upon since.
In a recent reveal from the series' official website, a new visual was shown for the third season, with the tagline "Renewing the unbreakable bond, Let's move on!" The announcement also a release window for the third season and some words from the voice actors of Saichi Sugimoto and Asirpa!
Chikahiro Kobayashi (Saichi): "The third season is finally coming! It's been almost two years since the last season... And I can't wait any more! The four who go on a new stage, "Karafuto," the four who are chasing them... and very unique people whom they meet there. I'm already looking forward to everything! There are too many scenes I want to see. I wonder who will play that role? I wonder what that scene will look like? Where's the gold? What about the prisoners? What is their past? What about the language! As a huge fan of the series, I can't stop being excited about it! Let's enjoy this show together when it airs...! Banya☆"
Haruka Shiraishi (Asirpa): "Asirpa is separated from Sugimoto who has been traveling with so far. Even though she is anxious, she keep trusting him and moves forward... I have put all of my energy into playing Asirpa's emotional conflict and struggles, and sometimes her strange face, illustrated in the third season. The recordings are done separately now, and I haven't seen any other recordings except for the scene where Asirpa appears. And as a fan of the series, I can't wait for it to air, wondering 'What happened to that scene!.' Let's continue our journey together in the third season!"
With the new season coming, it's hard not to get excited for another exciting adventure for the characters. Make sure to check out the new visual below and don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments!
Saichi Sugimoto, a veteran of the Battle of 203 Hill in the Russo-Japanese War, works as a miner in Hokkaido in order to provide for the widow of his dead comrade. He hears a dubious story about a hidden trove of Ainu gold, the location of which is hidden in the tattoos of a group of convicts who escaped from Abashiri Prison. When he discovers that the story is true, and that multiple other groups are in pursuit of the gold, he decides to search for it along with Asirpa, a young Ainu girl.
Golden Kamuy season 3 is set to release, in Japan, in October 2020!